Summer Holiday

I am officially on my summer vacation! Woohoo!!! The last day of work was yesterday and tomorrow I'll be flying off into the sunshine. My aim over the next two weeks is to have as much rest and recuperation as possible. So that means lots of sunbathing on the beach or by the pool, lots of reading, lots of yoga, lots of healthy salads and fruit. I just can't wait to go! I'll be keeping a photoblog of my trip which I'll post to my Flickr on my return.
Maybe what happened to Ren Hoek will happen to me and I'll meet a Greek god...

My friend AF came over yesterday evening and cooked a Weight Watchers meal for both of us so that he could keep an eye on his points. If it was just me I would have just ordered a pizza and be done with it. I've never had a weight problem. If anything, I've always been slim. I want to put on a bit more bulk - by that I mean muscle. But I guess I need to renew my gym subs for that which I've let lapse accidentally-on-purpose 'cos I'm a lazy shite. He cooked a prawn soup which was lovely and then for main course (2 courses on WW??) was marinated chicken stir fry which was lovely too but I couldn't finish it as I was full. I never cook for myself these days. Only if I have people over do I get out the pinny. And because I'm not cooking I'm eating rubbish food. All I've had today is a tomato and egg bagel and a smoothie. I guess that's not too bad. But I've had two pizzas earlier in the week and chips and probably a chicken kebab too. The chicken kebab isn't too bad either actually as its grilled and has salad. So I don't eat too badly at all!
The one thing I don't eat is fruit. I reckon I have some sort of childhood fruit anguish because my mum used to make me eat weird fruits like papaya and star fruit. I hate papaya. Its smells like sick and tastes nasty. The fruit you can buy from the supermarkets in the UK is crap anyway. Wherever I've gone in Europe and the states, the fruit is so much nicer. A lot of the UKs imported fruit is the crappy stuff that the originating countries can't sell to more discerning nations like Spain. So we end up with obesity issues because we import crap as well as eating pizzas, kebabs and junk food.
Another thing that is so much better on the continent is their lack of getting completely smashed out of their skulls on alcohol come a Friday or Saturday night. I drink occasionally and only if I'm out. I never drink at home on my own. I hate the taste of beer but I do like the odd pint of bitter or a glass of wine. Cocktails are a favourite but only because they taste so sweet and yummy! Its not about the alcohol, its about the taste for me.
There are those people that go out and get completely wasted week in week out. Why? Is it good that you're so off your face that you don't remember that you were robbed last night? Or worse? I've seen young girls and guys being sick in the street and passing out because they've had too much to drink. Oh how attractive that is! Oh my gosh, I really want to know you because you're so hard and you drink so much that you're being sick and damaging your liver! And you look so great with sick down your shirt and you smell really lovely because, ofcourse, everyone loves the smell of puke and alcohol. And you've also pissed yourself because you can't control your bodily functions! Oh I really want to get to know you better!
For those that didn't spot it, I was being sarcastic. How utterly disgusting these people are! I couldn't think of anything worse than going out with someone who did that every week. OK maybe there are a few other worse things but drinking problems aren't pleasant. In Europe, you see people in bars and cafe's having a drink and a laugh with their friends. You don't see them rolling around on the pavement completely paralytic shouting 'Ole!' or 'Je t'aime! Amour I foutu vous!!'. Why do the British do it? Its not nice and its not attractive.
I have to mention Big Brother now that its over and Anthony has won. I wanted Kinga to win. She's stupid but relatively harmless and she should win for her tits alone. No one in the BB house this year had ANY sort of charisma. Anthony is very cute, has a fit body but is totally devoid of any grey matter. At the other end of the scale we have Eugene. He's not unattractive but I wouldn't go there. He's incredibly boring and very immature. Why cry because you've just won £50,000?? You ee-dee-ot! And then we have Makosi, the African queen. I like Makosi. She's honest and she doesn't give a stuff what anyone thinks of her. I think she's fab. And if I was that way inclined, I'd also think she was pretty hot. So ,what to watch now? Lost. Its fab.
No more updates for a couple of weeks but I'm sure I'll have a few stories to tell on my return from Greece! HOLIDAY! CELEBRATE! :)
At 7:32 pm, August 13, 2005,
Bunny said…
1. Nice Car
2.Kebabs taste good after beer
3.I have allergy to fresh fruit
4.I'm guilty of alcohol vomit
5.I love you, you're my best mate
6.Kingas Tits. What? aren't you..
7.Anthony is good looking
8.If I was, I would
9.Eugene is asperger's
10.I don't get the makosi thing
11.Get Lost on DVD. Excellent
12.Enjoy Greece. whereabouts you going? crete is ace.
13. Too many subject in one post
At 1:54 pm, August 16, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy your holiday, hope u get laid
At 4:33 pm, August 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Who's Ren Hoek?
Did you find that Greek God, or just loads of cute Italians?
LOST rules. Hallo Dr Jack!!
At 5:16 pm, August 30, 2005,
Bozoduck said…
Ren Hoek is the bossy chihuahua in the fantastic comedy cartoon, 'Ren and Stimpy'. If you've never seen it watch it. Your guts will bleed you will be laughing so much!
Plenty of Greek Gods but no lightning strikes. And lots of cute Italians!
Dr Jack? Is that a euphamisim...??? He is rather hot though...and sweaty..hmmm
At 12:09 am, September 02, 2005,
Bozoduck said…
Grant in answer to your questions...
1. Thanks!
2. I gave up on kebabs after I saw the guy who was serving go out back, blow his nose in his hands, wipe them on his apron and then go back and serve someone. YAK!
3. Greek fruit was YUMMY!
4. We are all guilty of alcohol vomit, even moi!
5. Steady on love!
6. Kinga's tits are an enigma. You don't have to be str8 to appreciate a thing (or two) of beauty!
7. I agree.
8. Cool!
9. Eugene is an arse.
10. I heart Makosi, ya get me!?
11. Download Lost! Even better!
12. Cheers! It was fun!
13. I know but I had to get two weeks worth down in a single post!
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