Bozoduck's Blog

I'm Bozoduck. This is my blog. I started it 2 years ago and a lots happened since then. Read it and learn.

Monday, July 25, 2005


OK apologies about the directionless rant yesterday! Had to get it out of my system. I still need to mention the Brazilian guy that was shot 8 times in the head after the Metropolitan Police (dressed in plain clothes) ran after him onto the tube after following him from his home. What the fuck is that about? OK the guy that got shot, Jean Charles de Menezes, was on his way to work like millions of other Londoners. Why did he have to be shot? Why couldn't the Police have just stopped him before he got onto the tube? They followed him from his home, got onto a bus after him and only told him to stop when he got to Stockwell tube station. This means that everyone in London is a suspect and the police have the right to kill ANYONE they think is a suspected terrorist. And what are the repercussions if they get it wrong? Well, we'll see what happens about about Mr Menezes but they can't bring him back for his family. All they can do is apologise but its not enough.

Ever since the bombings, I have had looks in the street from passers by. Not just fleeting glances like you do on any normal day. These are prolonged looks into my eyes to see if they can accuse me of being one of them. Judging me because I have a beard and brown skin. My family have implored with me to shave off my beard but I have refused. I'm not Muslim. I'm not even religious. I'm as scared as they are to travel around London. London is my home. I love it here. I don't want these things to happen as much as any sane person. But false accusations and untrust are exactly what the terror makers want. London is the whole world in one city. Lets not do to London what those bastards are doing to the world. We mustn't stoop to their level.

On a lighter note (kinda), I went to Tate Modern today with my friend MW and saw the Frida Khalo exhibition. I didn't know much about the woman before the exhibtion but I have a great deal of respect for her now. She had a tough life. A huge accident at an early age that left her in a state of permanent pain and years of betrayal by the man she loved. That can lead to some serious creativity and I was amazed at her work. She wasn't formally trained but her art has so much emotion in it. I'm a fan.


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