New Bag!

I bought a new bag today. Another impulse purchase. Or was it? I've been wanting a new one for a while as my old one is getting a little worn. It fits the bill perfectly. It has room for all my necessary items: camera, phone, umbrella, my iRiver and lots of pockets and zip-ups.
I carry my camera around all the time now but its rarely that I find something I need to take a picture of. I mean something interesting. And I'm sure my bag isn't that interesting to you. But you're not writing this blog. :)
I noticed a lot more police around London today. BBC News said that the British Transport Police had stationed more officers around London. Is it because its a week on from the last lot of bombings? And both times it happened was on a Thursday? I'm sure its just chance it worked out like that. Oh wait, isn't the Muslim holy day Friday? Am I jumping the gun here? (no pun intended) Did the bombers think they'd get to heaven in time for Friday? Surely not.
I heard a joke yesterday: (if you haven't got a sense of humour, or were at all involved in the bombings, please don't read it)
In light of the recent attacks, Transport for London is increasing tube and bus fares. Tube fares will go up by an arm and a leg and bus fares will go through the roof.
I thought it was sick, but funny. If you can't laugh in the face of tragedy then what else is there?

"NOTICE TO ALL PASSENGERS. Please do not run on the platforms or concourses. Especially if you are carrying a rucksack, wearing a big coat or look a bit foreign. This notice is for your own safety. Thankyou."
I'll bear that in mind.
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