Bozoduck's Blog

I'm Bozoduck. This is my blog. I started it 2 years ago and a lots happened since then. Read it and learn.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Quote of the Day

Expectations always lead to disappointment.


This was my second Orgasm of the day! And I mean cocktails, ok?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Freedom of Speech

There are a number of reasons why I have started writing my blog again. Many of them are personal and I don't need to go into those here at the moment but its my prerogative to talk about them in the future, if I so desire. One of the reasons is about writing whatever I want to write about. My writing, therefore may cause offence to some people. Others may take it with a pinch of salt and put it down to just another guy trying to make his mark on the world.

Ofcourse I care about what people think and I do enjoy critisism and feedback. But do not judge me and presume to know me by what you read here. Someone left a message on my board saying:

"mate, you are really really sad!!! people who are never touched by sadness are the ones making stupid jokes or worse even passing them on."

For a start I am NOT your mate. I don't know you from Adam. And your opinion that I am sad is wholly inaccurate. I'm actually pretty contented at the moment. You don't know if I have or have not been 'touched by sadness' as you so eloquently put it. You just have no idea. You don't know me so don't judge me.

I will continue to post jokes. These may offend some people. But most people (those that aren't anally retentive) will find them humourous. If I offend you, then don't read my blog. I will not apologise for ANYTHING I write here.

And I got through this post without swearing once! FUCK! Oh crap.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I had to post this...from my friend AW.

Oh and another joke...

Two would-be suicide bombers are out shopping for rucksacks. One says to the other "Does my bomb look big in this?" Thanks to Steve in Birmingham for that one!


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Hmmm it was a bit of a disappointment. I had read that Tim Burton's film was to be darker than the original. But it just didn't have it apart from Wonka's (Johnny Depp) manic behaviour which was amusing but then isn't that how he always acts? Depp has never appealed to me and in this he looks so feminine - and its horrible. The whole Michael Jackson luring kids to Neverland thing crossed my mind while watching the movie. Except MJ tempted them with Jesus Juice rather than Wanka (woops, typo!) chocolate. There weren't any stand out bits in the movie. I reckon it would have been better if they'd released it around Christmas time as its got a wintery feel to it. I was looking forward to seeing the boat sequence as that was really psychedelic in the first movie. But this one was more like a white chocolate rapids ride in a theme park and a little dull. Even the Oompa Loompa's (which we excellent in the original) weren't that impressive. For a start they were the same guy! The music wasn't at all catchy like the first film. Can you tell I didn't like it much?? :)

I've been looking to buy a car now for a while. I've done without one for more than a year which I think is quite an achievement seeing as I've owned one since I passed my test at 18 (ok it was second time round). I was going to buy a Clio but I looked at a couple last weekend and they didn't do anything for me. I really want a new MINI. So I've decided I'm going to treat myself and get one. :)

All I need now is a boyfriend! Boys are two-a-penny here in London. Its so easy to go out and get laid. But I want a bit more than just a fumble in the hay and a see ya later. I'm a pretty good catch when it comes down to it. I'm not fucked up like most gay guys seem to be in London. I have a good job, decent salary, my own place, I'm ok looking, I don't smoke, I have a great set of friends and lots of other good qualities. I have bad qualities too. But they aren't as bad as some people's.:)

I've booked a holiday finally!! Off to a lovely little Greek island called Lefkas soon. I can't wait. I so need this holiday!