George Michael on my Tag-Board
There's been a bit of abuse directed at me on my Tag-Board of late because i mentioned George Michael. Now, as far as I know, Mr Michael is in the public eye and therefore may be talked about, within reason, as long as its not malicious, ofcourse. The Tag-Board conversation went something like this:
Shane Warne: Are you trying to seduce me?
Bozoduck: Would you like me to seduce you? Ew! George Michael flashback!
Monica: Hey keep GM out of your blog!
[others] don't pick on GM! Leave GM off of your blog! [etc etc]
Bozoduck: Hey, I'm a huge GM fan. Lighten up!
Bozoduck: Lets go Outside...
Bozoduck: George Micheal, you're right! I'm not a cop and I don't have sex in toilets!
FACT: George Michael was caught flashing his todger in a public toilet by a police officer. He even recorded a song about it. I'm not judging him for doing what he did. We've all done stupid things. What I do admire about him is that he admitted it and used it to his advantage. I loved the 'Outside' video! The last comment I made was a nod to his honesty.
Personally, I think GM is an amazing musician. He makes great music and I've been a huge fan of his since the Wham! days. I have all his records and CD's (singles as well as albums) so I have nothing whatsoever against GM. He was there throughout my formative years and I regard him as someone that empowered me to be strong about my sexuality.
The moral here is 'Don't judge others by what you know about them. There is so much more about them that you don't know and probably never will.'
So, to the people who have been leaving hatemail on the Tag-Board, I really don't think George Michael will give a flying stuff about what I write about him here, whether its good or bad.
And keep things in perspective people! I had a musical flashback to 'Too Funky', one of GM's lesser known tracks but one of his best. Its ends with the words, 'Are you trying to seduce me?' followed by, 'Would you like me to seduce you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?' How can a quotation from a pop song be seen as derogatory towards the artist that wrote it in the first place? Its analogous to a temporal paradox!
Shane Warne: Are you trying to seduce me?
Bozoduck: Would you like me to seduce you? Ew! George Michael flashback!
Monica: Hey keep GM out of your blog!
[others] don't pick on GM! Leave GM off of your blog! [etc etc]
Bozoduck: Hey, I'm a huge GM fan. Lighten up!
Bozoduck: Lets go Outside...
Bozoduck: George Micheal, you're right! I'm not a cop and I don't have sex in toilets!
FACT: George Michael was caught flashing his todger in a public toilet by a police officer. He even recorded a song about it. I'm not judging him for doing what he did. We've all done stupid things. What I do admire about him is that he admitted it and used it to his advantage. I loved the 'Outside' video! The last comment I made was a nod to his honesty.
Personally, I think GM is an amazing musician. He makes great music and I've been a huge fan of his since the Wham! days. I have all his records and CD's (singles as well as albums) so I have nothing whatsoever against GM. He was there throughout my formative years and I regard him as someone that empowered me to be strong about my sexuality.
The moral here is 'Don't judge others by what you know about them. There is so much more about them that you don't know and probably never will.'
So, to the people who have been leaving hatemail on the Tag-Board, I really don't think George Michael will give a flying stuff about what I write about him here, whether its good or bad.
And keep things in perspective people! I had a musical flashback to 'Too Funky', one of GM's lesser known tracks but one of his best. Its ends with the words, 'Are you trying to seduce me?' followed by, 'Would you like me to seduce you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?' How can a quotation from a pop song be seen as derogatory towards the artist that wrote it in the first place? Its analogous to a temporal paradox!
At 1:43 am, September 17, 2005,
Bozoduck said…
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At 10:15 pm, September 19, 2005,
Doug The Una said…
Howdy, bozoduck! Thanks for signing my guestmap. A friend of Karma's is a friend of mine. By the way, I think part of the spam strategy is that by leaving a comment they have a link to their site which helps them with search engines. You may want to delete that.
I feel like I've been here before. Did you once write a post about your backpack and the search for terrorists?
At 1:10 am, September 21, 2005,
Bozoduck said…
Probably, yes! I have written a few posts on the subject. Check them out! :)
At 7:49 pm, September 25, 2005,
Doug The Una said…
Well, it's nice to see you again.
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